Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Get A Mac - Parody Comic

Okay so now that I got out of that little problem, I'm back.

...Wiiith, nothing to post but my new "comic."
It's a parody of the Get a Mac Ads, but for Alienware, Linux, Firefox, Microsoft Office, and a whole bunch of other amazing things like that.

I'm adding it as a link, because the image is huge.
And because I care for your viewing pleasure. B)

This is James.. The first.

We the Meatbags.. Featuring the PC and James.

Get Alienware.. For those of you who want to play video games. (and have $5,000 lying around for a computer)

Get a PC.. ..They dress better.

Get Linux? Alienware's Super-Surprise-Ninja-Attack Ad.

That's all I've done for now. Firefox is next.
